Thursday, July 19, 2007

One finished, one almost finished & one to go!

OK!!!!! Exciting news! I have managed to finish some of Skye's room. It has been difficult with the children being home, because Skye wants to help REALLY BAD! It has been awesome this week because they have been in VBS. (Our kids can always use some churchin)

I would have had two finished, but Skye wanted our purple fairy looking at something. Now I am working on a butterfly. She also vetoed Tink and her workshop. Instead, she picked the Fairy Hospital . I have blocked in a lot of that mural, but it is much busier then the other two.

I hope you enjoy the pictures of her "Fairy Tale Room". Jax is putting the pressure on for us to start on his so............


Anonymous said...

I am very impressed with your talent - Joshs too. We recvd Stellas gift- THANK YOU- adorable!! Send my love to everyone

Kent said...

I am so impressed with both of your artistic skills! Josh, if this whole USAF thing goes south for you I think you could be Bob Ross's successor!!! Seriously, it looks amazing you two. Keep the posts coming:)