Tuesday, November 27, 2007

This is my latest creation. I have to say, I received the best compliment on this cake. I made it for a friend who loves to hunt. He joked about a dead deer being on the cake, so I thought "What the heck!". This fella is a private, reserved person. One who once told me,"Do not call me honey, baby or sweetie. You aren't my wife." He liked his cake so much, he gave me a hug! That is the whole point of doing cakes. It makes other people happy. THANK YOU FOR AN AWESOME TUESDAY FRIEND!!!!! p.s. Notice the awesome blood pool under the deer's head. Cool huh?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's so...cute! Reminds me of when a friend in high school hit a deer and my mom got him an "I brake for reindeer" button.