Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Josh and Jaxon attended the November Cub-n-One at the McGimsey Scout Park this month. I don't think either one realized how much work it was going to be. All campsites were at least a mile from the parking area and for those who didn't have a wagon to haul their equipment, that was a long walk. (We don't have a wagon) Imagine Josh with a 70 lb. tent, a suitcase with sleeping bags and lanterns, an air mattress (you would take that too!) a cooler and two backpacks, not to mention a 7 yr.old! They did so many things that Jaxon earned 6 belt loops and a patch for marksmanship. They had an awesome time and Jaxon can't wait to go again. (There is one this month too.) For all who would love a good story, call Josh and ask him about his extra tent mate! Boy did he get in trouble!!!!!!!!!

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