Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Josh and Jaxon attended the November Cub-n-One at the McGimsey Scout Park this month. I don't think either one realized how much work it was going to be. All campsites were at least a mile from the parking area and for those who didn't have a wagon to haul their equipment, that was a long walk. (We don't have a wagon) Imagine Josh with a 70 lb. tent, a suitcase with sleeping bags and lanterns, an air mattress (you would take that too!) a cooler and two backpacks, not to mention a 7 yr.old! They did so many things that Jaxon earned 6 belt loops and a patch for marksmanship. They had an awesome time and Jaxon can't wait to go again. (There is one this month too.) For all who would love a good story, call Josh and ask him about his extra tent mate! Boy did he get in trouble!!!!!!!!!
Who would have thought that at 83 my Grandmother would be in rehab and then get in bed with my husband?! Sounds like a Jerry Springer show, doesn't it? Mimi will be staying with us for a little bit. She was injured in a car wreck and has had a short stint in RIOSA here in San Antonio. She is becoming quite self sufficient and hopes to get back to Abilene as soon as possible. (We want her through Christmas, but she is the Queen Bee and will make up her own mind.)

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

This is my latest creation. I have to say, I received the best compliment on this cake. I made it for a friend who loves to hunt. He joked about a dead deer being on the cake, so I thought "What the heck!". This fella is a private, reserved person. One who once told me,"Do not call me honey, baby or sweetie. You aren't my wife." He liked his cake so much, he gave me a hug! That is the whole point of doing cakes. It makes other people happy. THANK YOU FOR AN AWESOME TUESDAY FRIEND!!!!! p.s. Notice the awesome blood pool under the deer's head. Cool huh?!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

The Nifty Fifties

Skye and Jaxon had the "50th" day at school last Tuesday. There is nothing I enjoy more than a challenge, so when Skye came home on Monday and asked if I could make a poodle skirt, you bet I said yes! I whipped it up in just under 5 hours. Thank goodness Jax had an easy costume! It was fun and both my kids are beyond adorable. (I'm not braggin',I'm honest)

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Since Josh and Jax have a Cub Scout camp out next weekend, we thought we would practice in the back yard. We set the tent up, made a fire, ate "cowboy bean, hard tack and well water" and did some sleeping. Ok I will admit to being under the weather and only making it until 10:00 PM., but Josh and the kids made it all night. IT WAS COLD!!!!!!! Hope you like the pictures.

Halloween Pictures! Again, you will notice that Josh didn't want to dress up! Well, I am gonna change that next year! We all piled into Uncle Grumpy's pickup for a hayride around the neighborhood. Some of the neighborhood kids joined in. All I can say is, we have enough candy to last the year through. (PS -- Uncle Grumpy is my brother Marc)

Pumpkin carving time!!!! They both did an excellent job on carving this year!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Here is the latest cake creation. It was a very subtle white chocolate raspberry concoction. Everyone at the shower said it was awesome but I am my harshest critic and I need to work on my fondant loops a bit more!

OK , So we had the most amazing time at the Renaissance festival!!!!!!! We left on Friday and came back today (Sunday) and we are exhausted. I think I have convinced Josh to dress up next year. For anyone who hasn't ever gone.....GO You will have the best time ever. We are trying to make it a tradition. It is something the kids will never forget. Please enjoy the pictures. By the by -- I made all the costumes for Skye, Jax and myself. I know! Sometimes I scare myself too! There are more pictures below. It was with King Henry VIII and Cathrine of Aragon this year. There are pictures of both and one of a barbarian. As a side bar, we really missed Jared this weekend. He has 4 weekends straight of band competition and he wasn't able to go.
Click on the pictures to see a larger view!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007



Last weekend we attended the Texas Parks and Wildlife Outdoor Expo. We did this so Jax could earn some badges and belt loops and stuff, but we all had a blast. Skye said her favorite part was pottery making. Jax liked talking to the Buffalo Solider and Kayaking. Josh and I liked that there was free ice water every 150 feet. That tells you something about age right there! Anyway, if you are ever in Texas and looking for something to do that is free, we all recommend this. Tons of family fun!!!!!

All right.......back in August we went to visit our Mimi in Abilene. The kids were very excited when they found a ton of caterpillars crawling all over Mimi's parsley and chives. So excited that they wanted to bring some home with them. I have to admit, I was not happy about transporting 3 caterpillars across Texas, but I do love my kids! The caterpillars spun cocoons after about two weeks of domestic bliss in our household. Here is a shot of one of the butterflies after hatching from his cocoon. We all got a kick out of the process and letting it go was really cool! I am thinking maybe tadpoles/frogs next!

Here is a quick picture of Jaxon's pumpkin. He had to decorate a pumpkin for school. The rules stated that he could not put any holes into the pumpkin itself because it would be on display in the school rotunda for a month. He chose the concept and I helped him bring it into existence.Funny how it resembles our dogs, huh?!

We had GRANDPARENTS BREAKFAST at school!!!!!

Kaki and Hachie came out at a very early 6:30 in the morning to enjoy breakfast and meet the teachers.

Jaxon earned his first belt loop and patch in cub scouts. His loop is for Geography and he got his transportation patch. He also is helper of the month!

We went to the Transportation museum at the beginning of the month. Jaxon and Skye learned about trains and even got to ride on one.

Friday, September 7, 2007

I really like how this baby shower cake turned out so I thought I would share it with everyone. I think my skills are getting better. I will say that I sculpted the baby and blanket all by myself. Woo-Whoo

The reason Jared became a cheerleader!!!

Well, a picture speaks a thousand words!

Need I say more?!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Here is the oft talked about, seldom seen oldest child, Jared Scott.

He is the incredibly tall and handsome trombone player.

He marched in the Cowboy Homecoming Parade this Saturday. He was awesome! No surprise there.

He is a junior in high school this year and is in band, varsity cheer leading, drama,honors classes and is working on his drivers license. He is even starting to look at colleges. ( Go A&M )

Tropical Storm Erin

What do you do if a tropical storm comes ashore in Texas and you have 4 kids in the house? 4 BORED KIDS! Send the outside to play of course.

This is Skye, Jax and our neighbors kids George and Logan.

Four in the rain.

Who says you can't play in the streets?!

On the front poarch.

Hot coco time!