Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Giants Causeway

The Giants Causeway is located on the Northeast coast of Ireland above Belfast an is considered the fourth greatest wonder in the United Kingdom. Legend states that Finn McCool built the causeway to walk to Scotland to fight his Scottish counterpart Benandonner. One version of the legend says Finn fell asleep before he got to Scotland. When he did not arrive, a much larger Benandonner crossed the bridge looking for Finn. To protect Finn, his wife Oonaugh laid a blanket over him so he could pretend to be their baby son. When Benanadonner saw the size of the "infant", he assumed the size of the father - Finn - would be gigantic. Benandonner fled back to Scotland ripping up the causeway as he went. In reality, the Giants Causeway is an area of about 40,000 interlocking basalt columns that were the result of volcanic eruptions. the tops of the columns form stepping stones from the cliff foot and disappear under the sea. Wether you choose to believe legend or science, it is truly a breathtaking sight.

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