Friday, January 1, 2010


We arrived in Germany in the middle of July after a long flight from Chicago. It was a nice smooth flight and each person had their own tv screen and choice of several shows to watch. It was hard trying to sleep on the plane so none of us did. We caught a ride from Dusseldorf with our sponser Maj. Deaton and went straight to down town Geilenkirchen. After checking in to our hotel, we promptly fell asleep. The 7 hour time difference and strange daylight hours took some getting used to. (in summer it starts to get dark around 8:30 PM) We booneyed around the town for the next few days and I have to say, it is cool. One bonus is the dogs can go almost anywhere with us. Into resteraunts,'s neat for us and them! We stayed in the hotel for 30 days. That was a long 30 days! Very long considering we found a house in the first week. We moved into a little town called Waldfeucht in the middle of August. It is surrounded by fields and windtricity windmills. It is very pretty, but it looses some of its luster when they spread manure on the fields. (that happens a lot) Since summer, Josh has settled into his job quite nicely and the kids have setteled into school. I started working at the exchange on USAG Schinnen. (a little Army base about 30 minutes from our house) We are getting along quite well. We still miss everyone at home and the calling home is difficult (because of the time difference) but I think it is only gonna get better. We are planning lots of adventures since travel to so many different countries is SOOOOO easy! So look forward to many more innane blog updates.

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