Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A JOSH Update

We had some wonderful news this week. Looks like Josh will be coming home sooner than we originally expected. He is finishing up his last week of work in Kalsu and patients will start to transition to the new team over the next 14 days. He will be moving out of his "personal space" or CHU on Monday and into a tent. Then they will start to head out to another location. He can't leave country until the 3 of December. If he did, then the last 6 months wouldn't cont as a short tour and he would be open for a remote to Korea. None of s want that right now. LOL! So we are looking at 3 or 4 weeks until we can start reconditioning him to family life. None of us can wait!
We will keep everyone updated!


mommyballs said...

HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love great news about Daddies coming home! Congrats!

mommyballs said...

I'm still really excited for you!! Thanks for picking up the kids . . . you are the greatest, Erinn