Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Birthday Boy

Josh turned 37 on the 12th of September. I have to say a huge thank you to Capt. Elisha Parkhill, who graciously accepted packages of birthday decorations and crap from someone she didn't know. (me) She and other co-workers decorated Josh's office and made him dress up in the offical K-Town birthday outfit. During the morning meeting the passed out goody bags and everyone played around with the mini Frisbees and bubbles. Josh even sent a picture of Major. Nolan testing the urban legend of pop rocks and soda. As far as I can tell, he survived. LOL! I am glad that he has an awesome group of co-workers. If he couldn't be here with us, I am glad he had some friends to celebrate with.

Small Changes

While Josh is away, I decided to make a few changes in the house. Nothing really exciting and nothing too expensive. I thought I would start in the kitchen. Here are a couple of pictures, before and after, of the new lighting.

Family Fun Day

Skye spent all day with her Kaki and Hachie last Saturday preparing a HUGE Chinese dinner for us. Skye loves cooking and really enjoyed spending time in the kitchen with her Grandparents. Kaki had nothing but praise for how Skye behaves in the kitchen. We may have a budding culinary genius in the family.

News From Iraq

Josh had a chance to visit the Palace that used to belong to Saddam Hussein while in Baghdad earlier this month. Josh said it was really pretty and that it was a nice break from life in "K-Town". All went really well until Josh had a small mishap with his camera. Apparently it can't survive a drop down two flights of marble stairs. Well, at least the SD card survived! Doesn't he look cute?!