Friday, July 11, 2008

Fun Day with Kaki and Hachie

I am going to send a HUGE Thank You out to my parents, Kitty and H, better known as Kaki and Hachie. The kiddos went over today and had an awesome time at the pool and then playing Putt Putt all of which Hachie documented for me so I could blog. Because of their kindness, I had the chance to spend a glorious 5.5 hours ALONE!!!!!!!! My pantry is now beautiful and so is my tupperware cabinet. LOL!!! All you people with toddlers that think it gets a lot easier when they get older, you are mistaken. They just tattle more. SO........THANK YOU KAKI AND HACHIE!!! Good job on the pictures H, you rock! MOM, good job on the hole in one!!!!!!!

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