Thursday, July 31, 2008

Arriving in Maryland

Here is a picture of Skye and Jax arriving in Maryland. Grammy said she was sorry for the glare, but they need to make a camera for excited grandparents than aren't paying attention. Grammy and Grand Pops kids, Katie and Moosie, were very happy to see Skye and Jax too. They love all the extra attention they get when the kids are around.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My babies had quite an adventure this morning. It started about 4:15 when they got up, bright eyed and bushy tailed, to get ready for the airport. They did really well on their very first cross country flights. They are going to spend a little time with Grammy and Grand Pop. Of course, there were a few hiccups along the way. Alleged missed connection. American not paying attention to where the planes were. Tons of stress! They got to Grammy and Grand Pop in one piece and were talking of the great adventure they had. Thank goodness they were chipper because Mommy was FREAKING OUT!!!!!!!More pictures will come from this visit. Grammy promised!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Seperated at birth?????

Someone has a sexy new look!!!
Can you tell which one is my man????
Just kidding, I think he looks cute.
Though he may need to loose the whole Kojack thing.
Perhaps we should draw a blue arrow on his forehead.
He could be "Ang, the last airbender"

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I have a new toy! I am so excited about this. I didn't realize it, but our weed whacker can come apart and you can put different bottoms on it. LOL!! SOOOOOOO, I bought a tiller accessory. I figured it would be one of the few things that might help our poor back yard. I had to laugh! My neighbor, Hilda, heard "something" going on in our backyard, and came to see if we were all right. (She left giggling.) I, with the help of my side kick Skye, tilled up most of the dead grass on one side. Then we fertilized, seeded and soiled. I am hoping that with a little time and a lot of water, we will have a yard again. Of course, Skye felt the need to document this so enjoy the pictures.

I just want to say, I think I have the best husband ever!
Even thousands of miles away, he takes the time to think of me.
I received this delivery today, after having the opportunity to talk to Josh on a video chat for an hour. I had the feeling he had sent something, but wasn't 100 % sure.
I am a lucky woman, and I love Josh very much!

The kiddos took their first trip of the summer this past week. They got the chance to spend a week with Papaw and Memaw. (Ken and Terry -- Josh's dad and step mom)

Here they are all loaded up and ready to head out. The kids had a busy week there. They went to the Blue Bell factory for tour. The unanimous decision was that the tasting at the end was the best part. They also got to go swimming. The girls -- Cousin Lexi came in from California -- even had the chance to get a mani/pedi. The week was capped off by a visit to NASA and then Galveston. I joined them for this excursion. NASA was really neat. I can't wait for Josh to come home so we can do that again. Galveston was beautiful. There was perfect weather and the water was clear and warm. That in itself was unusual for any who know the Texas coast. We were joined on this part of the trip by Memaw's friend Ms. Betty,Josh's step-sister Kim and her children Ryan and Maddie. Jaxon thinks that Ryan hung the moon! Even though there were a few minor hiccups -- which are going to happen when kids are involved -- the trip was good. Skye and Jax love their Memaw and Papaw and enjoy visiting them.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Fun Day with Kaki and Hachie

I am going to send a HUGE Thank You out to my parents, Kitty and H, better known as Kaki and Hachie. The kiddos went over today and had an awesome time at the pool and then playing Putt Putt all of which Hachie documented for me so I could blog. Because of their kindness, I had the chance to spend a glorious 5.5 hours ALONE!!!!!!!! My pantry is now beautiful and so is my tupperware cabinet. LOL!!! All you people with toddlers that think it gets a lot easier when they get older, you are mistaken. They just tattle more. SO........THANK YOU KAKI AND HACHIE!!! Good job on the pictures H, you rock! MOM, good job on the hole in one!!!!!!!