Saturday, October 18, 2008

Some cool pics from the Maize

Really, cool tree

Remember the song from Oklahoma???? "The corn was as high as an elephants eye!" Well, it was............................ Skye and Alejandra

The Corn Maize

Skye, Jaxon and I headed to Hondo last weekend to have a little fun in the South Texas Corn Maize. We went with our friends and neighbors Robert, Hilda and their kids. The maze is run by a family on their working cattle ranch. It has been in operation for 8 years. Pretty neat place. The maze took us around and hour and a half to get through. We went in right before dusk. They gave us quiz sheets that, if the question is answered correctly, gave you proper directions through the maze. So Robert thought it was a fine idea to have the kids just go. We would find our way through eventually. I didn't see much wrong with it. Silly me! Dark soon fell, and the kids were GONE. They managed to find their way to on of the bridges over looking the maze, waving and hollering to us pitiful adults. We did join up again. It was really a lot of fun.
The kids played on a hay pile and we saw a bunch of frolicsome goats. They played with some water pumps that are used for rubber duck races and finished off the night with a hay ride. It was pretty fun!

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Well, we are now into October. It is hard to believe, but we have about 2 2/3 months left on Josh's deployment. We are almost as ready for him to come home as he is ready to come home.

October is a big month in the Tomchesson household! Skye starts her first month of safety patrol at school! She is very excited to take part in this. Skye has also started choir practice. She is still a little bummed out that she is an Alto. She says there are never any good parts for the Alto's. The Saprano's get all the good parts. We have taken great pains to let her know that most female country singers are Alto's and one of her favorite singers - Pink - is an Alto!

Jaxon doesn't have a lot going on this month but he is doing really well in school. We - so far - have had very little difficulty with his behavior. It is very nice to hear awesome things when picking him up from school instead of "He is so sweet, but (insert favorite class clown moment here)........" . Both children are maintaining an A/B average right now as well. Very awesome.

Jared is well into his senior year. He is taking several dual credit courses and, though they are difficult, he is doing really well. His other family has just opened their Cheerleading Academy. It is a competitive cheering facility and he will be coaching the younger students as well as competing. He is also participating in Band, Drama and a few other clubs in school. Jared and his girlfriend Emily have just reached the 1 year mark in their relationship. He stays super busy! We would love to see him more, but we understand that he has a lot going on.

As for me, I am headed out of town in the middle of the month for a seminar. I have decided to go back to work. A good friend of mine and past manager -Mary - and her husband Rod have purchased Petland. Mary has some really awesome ideas for the business and she is sincere about the welfare of the animals! All that said, the store will be a from scratch project, so there is going to be lots to do. I am very excited about helping out where I can. I am even more excited that the store is set to open in early January. If all goes well, Josh will be home and we will have been able to adjust to him being back over the Christmas holidays. It also gives me some time to get some health issues straightened out and get my exercise on.

Well, that is the update on the Tomchesson homefront for the month of October. Expect some new pictures soon! I have a family fun day planned next weekend as well as Halloween pictures! Skye picked out the pattern for her costume so PLEASE everyone keep their fingers crossed that I can pull it off. She just refused to be a wench for 2 years in a row!

Love to all!